Home For You The Shirt, The Jacket, The Madness

The Shirt, The Jacket, The Madness

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Article by: bessrose28

Umbro: to most people, it’s a nearly century-old sporting brand. To us Larries, it’s almost completely synonymous with The Shirt. The Shirt, a vintage Umbro Pro Training shirt first appeared in July 2020 when Louis was seen wearing it in a picture with Clifford.   Now, as exciting as a cool vintage shirt might be, it’s not usually enough to warrant the level of fame this one has acquired. In fact, the shirt was just like any other shirt Louis has worn over the years. That is until…Harry was seen wearing the exact same one about two months later in September of that year. Yes, friends, this very unique, vintage, almost impossible-to-find shirt was worn by not one, but two members of the same band. How wild is it that they happen to have matching shirts…or do they? That’s the thing about rare, vintage clothing pieces: they can be very difficult to find and are often as good as one of a kind. And while Louis has often been seen wearing other Umbro-branded pieces…this shirt is the only time we’ve seen Harry wear the brand, well…at least until recently. So…do they really just so happen to have matching shirts, or, the statistically more likely option, was this the return of Harry and Louis publicly sharing clothes?

As you may or may not know, back in the early days of the band, it was very common for all of the boys to share clothes. There are instances of various pairings wearing the same shirt occasionally. Zayn and Louis both wore the same Stone Roses t-shirt. Zayn and Liam were seen wearing the same red flannel. But two of them in particular could be seen sharing clothes much more frequently. It should be no surprise that those two were Louis and Harry. Another infamous shared clothing item was nicknamed The Boyfriend Jacket. The Boyfriend Jacket was a denim jacket with a shearling lining that both Louis and Harry were seen wearing. While Harry was the one to purchase this particular article of clothing in January 2013, Louis was the one seen wearing it in the band’s 2013 music video for their song “Midnight Memories.” In fact, after the initial photos of Harry in the jacket, Louis is primarily the one seen wearing it. This example is the reverse of the pattern with the previously mentioned Umbro shirt. The last time the jacket was spotted, after a few years being missing in action, was when Louis posted a selfie in 2017 to welcome in the New Year with a bit of nostalgia.


Attentive readers will note that this was after One Direction went on hiatus, making the throwback element even more meaningful to those of us who were always ready for even a glimpse of this type of content. While it’s been years now since the last appearance of this particular shared clothing item (or many shared clothing items at all), the possibility was always there. And was no less exciting in 2020 than it was back in 2012. 

However, much to everyone’s shock and surprise, the Umbro shirt made yet another appearance. The Umbro shirt made a triumphant return in Harry’s most recent October 2023 pap walk, where he paired it with a blue puffer jacket and a green drink (very subtle, Harry). Despite a few futile attempts to argue otherwise, it is clear from both showings that the Umbro shirt Harry wears is the exact same shirt as the one Louis wore, if not for being a bit more loved in its most recent outing.


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