Article by: kerry | kit_thruthewire Art by: artsymarlene_
On the 1st of February, we celebrate Harry’s 29th birthday. In honor of our beloved fruit man, No Stunts Mag polled our contributors and put together a collaborative list of:
“29 Reasons We Love Harry”
*photo used with permission from Babs
- “I think he is such a lovable person, always so kind and thoughtful and always seems to be really ‘present’ when talking to someone, always reflective and paying attention. And in the same way he seems so serious, he seems such a goofy funny gorgeous huggable person, someone you want to befriend with. And of course, his voice and music🤗”
- Those tippy taps during Satellite
- “Honestly…how could you not love Harry?”
- The ever present hair clip – where will it be today?
- “I don’t feel like he takes himself too seriously. Seems really grounded and not super celebrity like. Don’t get me wrong, he can turn it on when he needs to. But he doesn’t live his real life in all the hype.”
- His face crater (that adorable dimple)
*photo used with permission from @photosbycat
- “H has shown me a quiet courage that’s continually inspiring. He’s unapologetically strange and kind in a world that’s tried to make him a product instead of a person. H loves his family, reads constantly, dances in the kitchen, and creates art with his life. I love his music, his acting, all of his many talents. But more than anything I love H’s heart.”
- His frog face
- “His curls or his smell. Wait, that’s why Louis loves Harry.”
- Edging…
- “He is cryptic but so honest in his songwriting. If you actually listen.”
- His innate ability to spot a camera
- “He is an angel who we don’t deserve😭💝”
- “He has this ability to show some of the more vulnerable parts of himself and it makes me feel included in a secret.”
- His laugh…you know the one
- “So gentle with his fans. Always taking a moment to have a conversation and hold eye contact. Always asking multiple times at his shows if he can read fans signs especially if they are about deeper topics. We love a man who knows the importance of consent.”
- His creepy love stare
- “Harry feels like a safe space, when he tells me “we’ll be alright” I believe him and right now I have to believe that.”
- His truly terrible jokes
- “That man has an astonishing amount of cars for just one person.”
- His courage and inclusivity
*photo used with permission from @photosbycat
- “I love Harry coz he makes me feel that i m worth ❤️ and that my feelings and emotions are valid🧡 I never feel judged when i think about him💛 He is a comfort place to me and many others💚 I love the way he respects and treat everyone💙 Harry makes this world a better place for everyone, knowingly or unknowingly❤️🩹 I came to know about him when i was in my darkest place….. He showed me the light….. He gave me a reason to be happy, to believe in myself, to make me believe that I am beautiful just the way i am💖”
- His inability to tell a good lie. Do you have a dog Harry? Where does it live?
- “How does he remember people he met once ten years ago? I will never understand.”
- The fact that he locked down Louis Tomlinson at age 16.
- “Harry is a damn hard worker. I know he loves what he does, but jesus christ he does not do anything less than 200%.”
- Salad with a side of salad
- “Because he’s Harry.”
If you want to add to the list, tweet us at @nostuntsmag and let us know why YOU love Harry!
*photo used with permission from @photosbycat
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