When listening to Louis and Harry’s music, it’s impossible not to find some connections within their lyrics. The Fine Line/Walls albums have many parallels which were picked up by fans the world over.
With the release of their new albums, it seems this is a tradition that the two singers have decided to stick with. Upon listening to Harry’s House and Faith In The Future, there are several nods to each other, such as mentions of blue/green, drinking, being stubborn, etc.
However, there is no more glaring example than the communication between Satellite and Angels Fly. The two songs are like a conversation between Harry and Louis, with one asking for help and the other offering support.
First, let’s have a look at the lyrics –
Here, we can see Harry tentatively asking to talk as there are things to be said. However, Louis responds that talking won’t help, but he will do it if Harry wants. Both don’t seem to be in much emotional pain, instead displaying a kind of numb acceptance of their closeted situation.
There are always mentions in both artists’ music of alcohol/drug use as a coping mechanism, and these songs are no different. Here, Harry seems to be saying that they both can numb themselves with drink/drugs but eventually they will need to talk about the situation. This compares to Louis, who states that they’ve done all this before and there are no easy answers, especially in a conversation fuelled by drink/drugs.
Harry seems to be asking for Louis to tether him. What’s another word for tether? Anchor. This seems to be a nod to their anchor/rope tattoo as well as a request for comfort. Louis seems to respond that Harry isn’t spiralling out of control as he seems to think he is, that this is just a difficult time and that Harry will come out of it fine. However, he also states that he will always find a way to make time for Harry and to make him feel better. While Harry seems to feel like he’s going around in circles, orbiting the same issues he always has done (likely a reference to the constant pap walks and bearding), Louis thinks of Harry as an angel who is able to outshine the whole thing and rise above it.
It’s also interesting that L.A. is known as the city of angels and Harry is known to split his time between there and the UK the most. With this in mind, this song could be suggesting that Harry is lonely and tired in the US and Louis is trying to bring him home to the UK.
Next, let’s look at the differences in sound –
Satellite begins calm and sincere, then the sound begins to grow more chaotic. The more the song plays, the further the song spirals, ‘spinning out’ if you will, asking for a specific someone to keep him together. The majority of the lines contain high pitches, some of which are jarring in their moaning quality. The overall sound is someone in some kind of turmoil needing help.
Alternatively, Angels Fly begins calm and remains so. Even when the song hits the chorus and begins to pick up, the rhythm is steady and comforting. In fact, I would go as far as to suggest there is a heartbeat-like quality to the rhythm. The song seems to be providing comfort, the pitch dropping a little at the end of the majority of the lines. This is lullaby-like and is known to soothe and comfort. Also, the high notes are drawn out, so they’re less sharp and abrupt, adding to the comforting sound.
So, what can we conclude from all of this? Well, it seems that Harry is wanting Louis to tether him and help him calm his mind, perhaps by talking it all out. Louis’ reply is that talking won’t help as nothing will have changed, but he will be there anyway. He seems to be trying to tell Harry that he isn’t a satellite spinning out of control, but an angel who needs to remember to have faith.
Of course, these things are always open to interpretation but this is simply my take on these two songs.
Both songs can be found on Spotify at the following links.
Satellite –
Angels Fly –