Article by: Unscattered Horizons art by: jumbiart
April 25th is a very special day for Zayn and Liam. They’ve referenced it in their music, their style, their tattoos, and in other ways mentioned in the answers below. To celebrate them this April, I’ve reached out to the fandom, especially to the Ziams, to give an opportunity to share some of our favourite memories of them together, from the fans who have stuck by them through it all.
Where no credit is given, the individual asked to remain anonymous. All respondents have given consent for their answers to be shared and were given the option to provide their name and pronouns for credit.
Question: What moment or interaction made you a Ziam?
- When they were playing with the 1D paper dolls back in 2011 and Zayn kissed Liams doll and Liam looked so surprised yet intrigued. – Anjori (she/her)
- Fell down the Larry rabbit hole and noticed Ziam in the Larry proof vids. Started looking closer and was 😍 and 💔 to find that there were two closeted couples in one band – N9nnaDK
- Ironically I became a fan when the “fiance wrapped” tweet happened and so I saw passionate fans explaining how the media situation wasn’t making sense and there was a false narrative. Meanwhile, Paynt by Zayn was pretty literally spelling out they were together, while fans and the general public chased tabloid stories and outrage.
- I am new to it actually, but Zayn releasing PAYNT was my entryway. I was not a fan when he actually released it, but saw a tweet about it recently. There is no way this is a mere coincidence.
- For me it wasn’t one moment but seeing all of the moments, even though there are some very near and dear to me. Like a lot of people I started as a Larry and I remember hearing about Ziam and reaching out to people in the fandom to learn as much as I could about them. Also just my perspective but because they were so overlooked and Larry was so focused on, looking at the parallels and similarities between the two couples really made not seeing Ziam as real an impossibility. – C
- Zayn whispering brave when Lou was describing Liam – Sam
- The interview with the Irish fella where Larry are on one side of the couch, Niall’s in the middle, as usual lol, and Ziam are on the other. Usually, everyone points out Harry getting possessive of Louis’ knee after the interviewer touches him, but someone told me to watch Liam and Zayn. They touch hands, Liam sniffs Zayn’s hair a few times, they’re leaning into one another, and I decided to look into it. I watched the Ziam timeline. It’s one of those things you can’t unsee, because it’s obvious after that. – Chelle
- June 9, 2012 – The time Liam’s girlfriend came to a 1D concert and Zayn got so angry (jealous) that he ignored Liam for the majority of the concert even though Liam was making the cutest sad puppy dog eyes at him 🥺 – Avid
- Zayn giving Liam a single red rose on stage and half bouncing half skipping away and Liam twirling around with giddy love energy. That type of excited, nervous full-body body language – you can’t fake it. – Gee (she/her)
- Seeing how soft they were with each other and how they didn’t act like that around the other boys, similarly to how Larry acted.
- Ziam in miami and Ziam at a boxing match in Vegas
- Too many to name – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- It’s hard for me to remember the first reason because it was so long ago, but I do distinctly remember the time that Liam pulled Zayn off stage to, um…have a private moment together before rejoining the rest of the band onstage to continue the concert. They clearly had no idea that the backstage area was being filmed. It was flannel and excitement and queer chaos, which reminds me so much of their early years. – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: What is your favourite Ziam song/lyric connection and why?
- You and I because they went from two teen boys questioning/struggling with their sexuality to boyfriends who figured it out. – Anjori (she/her)
- I Won’t Mind, we found the one thing we can’t live without, and I’m not allowed to talk about it. Love is blind, right from the start, you know I got you.
- ‘Cause we are who we are when no one’s watchin’ (I Won’t Mind, 2016) and ‘We are who we are when we’re alone’ (Tightrope, 2021). The similarity of the lyrics in songs 5 years apart written by Zayn are obviously about the same person. If you know the history of the songs, you know they aren’t about his stunts. It’s one of my favourites because it’s so obvious that it’s about one person who has been there since 1D days as Mind of Mine songs were written when Zayn was in 1D. – C
- I have loved you since we were 18 – Sam
- My favourite Ziam song is “You and I” for a number of reasons. 1. It was the 1st full 1D song that I heard. 2. Zayn singing it to Liam at his last show is one of my favourite Ziam moments. 3. I’m a Liam girl and he has the lyrics “I figured it out” tattooed. 4. I’m bi and following Ziam and helped me figure out my own sexuality. – Avid
- I Don’t Mind (unreleased, written by Zayn during 1D) – “Don’t look around ’cause love is blind. And darling right now, I can’t see you. I’m feeling proud so without a doubt. I can feel you. ‘Cause we are who we are. When no one’s watching.” It’s such a tender, beautiful, bittersweet poem to a hidden love. And it captures the “eye” theme between Ziam – “I agree with Liam, eyes don’t lie, baby” / the eye rings they both used to wear in each other’s eye colours. – Gee (she/her)
- Remember by liam, singing about playing at their hometown show together
- You and I – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- I especially love Tightrope and River Road because they focus on a love that endures, one that’s long term, committed, and hard won. Each of Zayn’s albums has songs like Natural and Common that also follow this theme, but I feel like Nobody Is Listening really brought it to a new level of devotion. I also love the connections between Teardrops and What I Am (and I’m genuinely so proud of both songs on their own), and I can’t wait for both of their new albums this year! – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: What is your favourite Ziam moment? Could be anything: cute moments on stage; social media interaction; Ziami; etc.
- The day they sat on the couch together with Liam above Zayn in a sweater, and Liam was big spooning Zayn and their hands brushed. All of the Cologne Germany day in September 2012, from them sharing a single couch seat, and Zayn having his arm around Liam’s shoulders, to Zayn laughing about Liam’s farts while sitting on the same bed.
- Their recent Instagram interaction on Zayn’s Love Like This announcement post.
- It’s hard to pick just one but to narrow it down, their interactions during You & I of always singing certain parts to each other, and also Ziami. Ziami was wild. – C
- The airport moment (I’ll try but I’ll miss you too much Leeyum) – Sam
- 1D Day interactions, how cute they were as baby boyfriends, and how obvious things are when pointed out. – Chelle
- The time Liam sat in Zayn’s lap after a show – Liam has ADHD and is SUPER hyperactive (like me) and he is sitting in Zayn’s lap and constantly moving about like a spoiled toddler. Anyone else would be annoyed but Zayn barely notices because he loves him and is used to his quirks. It is so cute. – Avid
- Ha ha so many! The You + I “common ground” moments. The Wembley 2014 onstage hug. The sofa smile. The Farao NRG interview 2014 energy. When Liam slipped and Zayn knelt down to check on him. When Zayn put Liam over his shoulder and carried him off stage. Dancing together on 1D day – Gee (she/her)
- [Zayn] giving him [Liam] a rose
- Post Zayn’s departure, when someone asked liam if zayn and him are okay, he said yes while on stage <3 – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- Every single moment they caught each other’s gaze or decided they should share a lap, even with plenty of room around them. They have this magnetic pull that always brings them together. And the way they look at each other is like nothing else. I also have a soft spot for their fishing trip and Zayn’s fish hook necklace that he wore afterwards. It was such a special day for them. – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: Do you have a favourite queer coding moment from either or both of them? Why does that moment stand out?
- Both of them: the hanky code. Zayn even got a bandana tattoo – Anjori (she/her)
- Hidden rainbows, bears and red from Z. Yellow and eye w/freckle from Li – N9nnaDK
- Calamity “BAFTAs” because Zayn lyrically says that theatre actors are straighter than him. They’re not known for being very straight. Liam’s Final Act hoodie in rainbow, making him the first 1D member with official rainbow merch. Liam on the cover of Attitude magazine in 2015, he’s the first member on the cover of a gay magazine. Liam’s KFC tweet for Pride Month. “I may not be gay but I’m in love with a man”. His responses to Cheryl/Tom Hardy, and also Justin Timberlake (how do you know I don’t like him the same way). Zayn’s rainbow on the car windshield for Vibez music video
- For Liam it was the use of bandanas (aka the hanky code). It was not a fashion statement to him, he was screaming in the only way he could. For Zayn basically the entirety of Nobody is Listening, if you really look and listen from the album title to the music and lyrics, it’s so profound and heart breaking that he felt no one listens to him about who he is, so he tried to tell us in a way he could hoping someone would listen. – C
- Anything hankie related, all the bi lightning Liam is known for because it’s my rep. – Chelle
- Ziam introduced me to the hanky code. I also loved Zayn’s rainbow bracelets and Liam’s triangle necklace taught me some queer history. – Avid
- Liam singing Blurred Lines with Good Guy instead of Good Girl for no obv reason – Narry caught by surprise and listening with their whole bodies, literally stopped in their tracks, to see if they’d heard it right. then Harry shouting over “What rhymes with hug me, Liam?” when Liam repeated it a second time (sept 2014) 🙂 – Gee (she/her)
- When they both dropped photographs with bisexual lighting around the same time, because it made me feel seen.
- hanky code, it’s iconic lmao
- Cartier bracelets – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- Literally their entire existence. Trying to type them all out would take a year, and I think that’s beautiful 🙂 – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: What is your favourite April 25th connection/reference?
- The 4 and the 25 tattoo And Zayns lyrics in Let Me: “Long walks on the beach in April I promise darling I’ll be faithful” – Anjori (she/her)
- 4 finger, 2 sets of 25 shoes (Liam has worn them, Zayn has worn them). “Long walks on the beach in April”. The reshare of Goshtsziam on April 24th 2018, with Zayn’s tattoos on Liam’s hand. The art had been saved for weeks to be shared on that day. 2:54 teardrop length.
- Their tattoos!!
- The tattoos, that Zayn has 25 tattooed on his neck and Liam has a 4 tattoo on his finger, which neither of them have ever explained. -C
- Their clothing, like the 25 shoes and jackets. The tattoos! Paynt. – Chelle
- 25 / 4 tattoos. Liam closing his laptop for the end of lockdown year in an IG short and doing the 2 5 4 fingers on it while saying how important it had been to him that year – Gee (she/her)
- Zayn getting fucking 25 tattooed on him in fucking red
- A tie between the 4 ring finger tattoo matched to the 25 red neck tattoo and the lyrics in Let Me, especially because of the connection to Ziami. – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: Which of their Ziam tattoos is your favourite and why?
- The matching sunray tattoos near both their hand/wrist tattoos. They match when lined up and overlaid – Anjori (she/her)
- The red wolf is pretty obvious, but I think the 25 on Z and 4 on Li – N9nnaDK
- Their hands!! The eagle/rose/banner and the mandala hand, that would hold hands together. But also the Love cursive tattoos they share. But also the marriage poem that’s about singing together like two trees, and the “we’re the quiet ones.”
- Their 25 and 4 tattoos.
- Besides their 4 & 25 tattoos, Liam’s ‘I figured it out’ tattoo and Zayn’s various tattoos alluding to Liam including the red wolf, marriage poem and mandalas. They are special because they hold so much meaning. Liam’s tattoo is lyrics from You & I which is known as the Ziam song, and the red wolf both the colour and animal signify Liam. Lastly, the wedding poem and mandala tattoos of Zayn’s are so beautiful. – C
- We are the quiet ones – Sam
- Zayn: 25, Wolf, The Smoking Man, Marriage Poem and Mandala, and Castle. Liam: The Roses, 4, We Are The Quiet Ones, The Feather, I Figured It Out. – Chelle
- Liam’s “I figured it out” tattoo b/c You & I is my favourite 1D song and I too am a chaotic bisexual who needed figuring out and Zayn’s mandala tattoo because it connects his love of Liam to his culture, and he loves to show his hands in photos to let the world know that he’s married and proud. – Avid
- Liam’s “I figured it out” tattoo from You + I. Zayn in Zach Sang interview 2016 talking about the lyrics to Pillowtalk being inspired by something that happened in life that the listeners could “figure it out” for themselves. Zayn’s black bandana on his right arm. Like Liam’s black hanky code in his back left pocket. – Gee (she/her)
- The tiger and him having Liam tattooed on him forever or Zayn’s Mandala hand tattoo
- i figured it out
- Tiger with the tail representing L – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- For Liam: the eye freckle tattoo and “I figured it out.” For Zayn: The mandala (that matches the rose) and the red neck collar. They have so many it’s hard to choose! – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: Do you have a favourite post-hiatus Ziam connection? What makes it special?
- Paynt by Zayn is so obvious And the reappearance of the Cartier love bracelets – Anjori (she/her)
- Paynt by Z, the bear everywhere in stuff connected to Z. Li confirming Ziam in Insta lives. Z mentioning teardrop in his hot ones interview 😍 – N9nnaDK
- PAYNT by Zayn. He spelled out 80% of his husband’s name.
- Paynt hands down. It’s special because it’s one of the most obvious connections post 1D, from it being spelled ‘Paynt’ a lot like Payne as well as the random ‘L’ everywhere on the merch. In my opinion without a doubt, Zayn told us who that clothing line is dedicated to. – C
- Zayn singing You and I after Li was coping [with] all the hate for that podcast which was 1) most likely a stunt, 2) not even that bad – Sam
- The Cartier Bracelet – It’s my favourite because they both bring them out when they know their fans need reassuring. Tattoos – the smoking man being Liam, the marriage poem and mandala, the 4. I find their Tattoos beautiful. Zayn’s investment in Mixoloshe and his current return to music are an obvious sign of deep commitment to his marriage and Liam. Ziami. – Chelle
- Zayn co-owning Mixoloshe, a non-alcoholic tequila brand. I’m a recovering alcoholic so I love having them available for other non-drinkers when I’m hosting and I love that Zayn chose a product that is a testament to his love for his sober partner. – Avid
- When Zayn was filmed being harassed outside a bar in NYC and Liam did an IG live about a “dream” he had the night before about Zayn being in a fight. Special because it was such a loud show of solidarity – “at least you know I’m thinking about you…”. Also it was filmed while it looked like Liam was packing and posted 5 or 6 hours before it appeared on Liam’s feed – (flight mode time delay?). I think he went straight out to support Zayn. Zayn’s PaynT collection with the robot man and smoking man motifs and the Ls and Zs. Coupla days before it dropped Liam (Mr six pack abs like the robot) with the robot toy talking proudly. – Gee (she/her)
- Ziam interacting on instagram and saying to dm him bro
- They both talked about staying in touch and continuing to write music together on several occasions
- Tattoos and lyrics of each others song – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- Paynt was so beautifully unhinged. And I don’t know that anything could be more meaningful than both of them still wearing the Cartier bracelets in 2024. – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
Question: What makes you most proud to be a Ziam?
- To share their message of kindness, patience, tenacity, quiet yet firm fight against the powers that be. Believing in yourself and each other. Knowing together you can weather any storm. You don’t need to change yourself to achieve your goals. The Quiet Ones. It’s nice to be nice It doesn’t cost anything – Anjori (she/her)
- I’m proud of supporting good people. I stand by them through everything and also excited for all their wins. I protect them by always highlighting the good they do and disprove the shit people say about them – N9nnaDK
- Ziams are loyal and protective. When the world was bullying someone and not even knowing why they were doing that bullying, Ziams protected and served as anti-bullies. Even though it was socially uncool, even though it wasn’t prestigious to be a fan at that moment, they showed up and stuck together and stood up against bullying.
- I’m proud to be a Ziam because I can see them for what they are, a reality. There are so so many people who don’t believe in Ziam or refuse to even entertain that Zayn and Liam are anything but straight or are even friends. They are so overlooked and under loved in the fandom and they deserve as much attention as anyone else and for that reason I will always be on their side. – C
- Not only have the boys [Zayn and Liam] been closeted (like Larry), they’re also not recognized by the fans as much but they’ll never ever stop being loud until everyone hears ❤ – Sam
- I’m new to One Direction, in general. Even newer to Larry and Ziam, so finding a community within a community has taken time. However, when it felt like the world was against Liam I stood up for him and that helped solidify some strong friendships for me. When Zayn was also there showing his support it meant EVERYTHING to me because my feelings towards them as a couple were so fragile at that time. I was so terrified of losing Liam and Zayn has been there supporting him without revealing their relationship to the public. It’s not my place to say when or if they should do that. It’s my place to support them. And support them both, I do. I’m happy to be one of those who loves and adores them. – Chelle
- Liam has a tattoo that says “we are the quiet ones”. When I became a fan of 1D in late 2013, Zayn was already starting to get muted in interviews and Liam’s leadership role was to promote the official narrative permitted by their management team. I am proud that I was able to see through the PR and recognize this beautiful queer love story back then and to this day. – Avid
- Their “for better and for worse” energy. They’ve had a lot of shit in their public narratives, but still “the quiet ones” are loud about their love in so many ways. Loud and proud. – Gee (she/her)
- Knowing that we are listening and that we’re gonna support and come together for either of them if management pulls stupid stunts.
- I love that they’re both on their own journeys but are there for each other, and I love being in their corner too.
- They are the quiet ones, that’s what I love the most about them – Hlzlbn (she/her)
- I’m so genuinely proud of both of them and the way they use their platforms. Liam’s work with Rainbow Railroad and Zayn’s work with Mixoloshe are just two examples. They’ve been in the spotlight since they were kids and to see them making their music and sharing their art and continuing to grow into themselves makes me very proud. It’s a hard thing to figure out who you are and what you want your life to be, and that process is even more difficult with the entire world watching. They’ve both remained kind, empathetic, intelligent individuals and I feel lucky to be their fan. – Unscattered Horizons (they/them)
No single article could contain all of the love for Ziam, but hopefully this offers a window into the passion and pride that Ziams have for them, both as individuals and together. April 25th is a great reason to learn more about Ziam if you’ve been wondering, and a time to celebrate for those who are Ziams already. Stream their music, watch some nostalgic interviews or the Ziam timeline, and send some love out into the world.
Happy April 25th 🙂

For me, Walls was the album that I fell in love with Louis music to. It will always have a special place in my heart and there are a few of my very favourite songs ever on Walls. But it’s not just about me, it’s about us as a fandom celebrating Louis’ debut album and sharing fond memories or favourite lyrics, so let’s start.
First off, though, before I get into it, I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this and I’ll always be eternally grateful for the help you guys give when we are trying to pull something together for Louis.
So, to begin, although it’s the shortest song on the album, for many people I spoke to, Only The Brave, is one of everyone’s favourite songs from Walls. My fellow No Stunts writer Laura commented on my post and reminded me of seeing Only The Brave live and how she cried afterwards. Her favourite lyric from the song is *it’s a tall tale, it’s only hello hello, no goodbye.’
Next up is Defenceless. Many fans voted this as their favourite song because it showcases Louis’ vulnerability and honesty through the lyrics. Like the song stating “I’m too tired to be tough, just wanna be loved by you…” is an incredibly beautiful statement. It also shows how hard it is to love and to be loved when your perhaps not on the same page as your significant other or are perhaps fighting with them and are just over it.
Louis himself has stated that Defenceless is one of his more vulnerable songs and in the track by track for Walls, he states that it’s a cry for help and that the lyrics are honest. He also stated it’s a fan favourite and has a very special place in his heart.
Moving on to another fan favourite song is Habit. Habit is another of my personal favourites on the album as it’s such an incredible song both lyrically and melodically. Many fans love it for the lyric, “and it’s been ages different stages, come so far from princess park,” but I personally love the lyric, “took some time cause I ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I’m supposed to be, but honestly I don’t have to chose anymore….” I know other fans agree with me on this lyric because it’s perfect and shows what Louis relationship with his job was like in his own words.
Louis himself has stated that Habit was based on his work life and while I believe that he wasn’t lying, I also believe it’s deeper than that. He’s said the lyrics speak for themselves, in the walls track by track and to me this means that it’s as much about his relationship with someone from Princess Park as it is about the pressures of his job and how he struggled to find himself post One Direction.
Next up on our Wallsiversary is Walls itself. Walls is honestly such an incredible song and definitely a fan favourite to this day. Hearing twenty thousand fans belt out ‘for every question why, you were my because’ at the O2 in London was Phenomenal and honestly a core memory for me from FITF WT.
Louis himself stated that Walls is about meeting that certain person and letting your walls come down while watching as their walls come down for you. This song is poignant and such an amazing song both live and to listen to.
Another fan favourite, which is also one of mine is Don’t Let It Break Your Heart ( DLIBYH) because the song is so powerful and so uplifting. The lyrics stay positive and honestly I don’t think there’s another artist out there who can be quite as vulnerable, yet uplifting in their pain as Louis.
Louis himself has stated that when he’s listened back to this song, via the walls track by track, his stand out lyric is, “it comes, it goes, we’re driving down a one way road to something better,” and this to me is a beautiful lyric because no matter how painful things are, no matter how tough things get, they will get better if you just hold onto that hope.
Next up is Always You. Always you has a special place in Louis heart and a very special place in my heart. This was the very first Louis solo song that I properly heard and connected with. This was the song that captured my heart and brought me into the Louis fandom because it’s a stunning love song about knowing that your person is right and even though the roads been tough, you’ve always loved that person.
Louis, on the Walls track by track, states that Always You is about traveling around without your person and how it’s different and not the same. He’s stated that the fans really connected with it when he teased it and it was a no brainer to have it included on the album.
It’s time for We Made It and most people who love this song, love the lyric, “never coming down with your hand in mine.” To me this means never letting that person go again and holding on so tightly that there’ll never be any space between the writer and his love.

Louis however, stated that he wrote this about the fans and how we made it through with him, and while this could be true, to me, We Made It is a love song about fighting back and overcoming the many obstacles in the way of love and moving away from the past and onto better times in the future.
Next up we have Fearless and while I do like Fearless, it’s not one of my faves, but certainly not a skip. This song was chosen by quite a few fans and I adore the concept of the song, about being fearless and being young, strong and brave.
This song, according to Louis is about being young and reckless. Like it doesn’t matter what people think of you because even if you get it wrong in front of people those who love you will have your back regardless and love you in spite of any mistakes you make in your youth.
Next up we have Two of Us. Two of Us is the only Louis song I skip because it hurts me to hear his pain through this song. I can’t imagine the pain that he was in writing this or how much strength it took to perform this live over and over. Louis is honestly one of the most awe inspiring celebrities I’ve ever seen and I know many of us connect with this song after a loss.
Here we have Perfect Now and while this isn’t one of my personal favourites I think it’s a sweet ode to your love. Lyrically it’s beautiful and some fans adore this song because it tells the listener to keep their head up and not to change ever. It showcases and deep love and respect for Louis’ partner and that he loves them exactly as they are which is beautiful.
Lastly we have Kill My Mind and Too Young. Two very different sounds and yet two fan favourites. Kill My Mind live is out of this world and seeing the arena doing the lights during KMM is breathtaking. Too Young on the other hand is such a sweet caress and showcases Louis’ softer side where he talks about meeting his person at 18 and not knowing how to handle. it.
Overall Walls is an amazing album, much loved by the fans and we all adore it because it was the first time we got a proper glimpse into who Louis was as a solo artist and while we knew he could be vulnerable in his songwriting, we got to experience it on a whole new level throughout the entirety of Walls. I personally adore the album and can’t wait until more people discover Louis next summer and discover the gems of his debut album.
Louis, thank you for sharing your world with us through your music. We absolutely love Walls and it was where many of your Louies found you and fell in love with your music. Happy three years to Walls and to all the fans that found you through the incredible music you create.
We can’t wait to see what comes next and we all absolutely adore seeing you grow and go from strength to strength. We are so incredibly proud of you for overcoming, against the odds stacked against. Happy 24.
Walls is FOUR. So go stream it, post about it and let’s celebrate this amazing milestone in Louis’ career.
Thanks again for all your input and let’s make this year the best year for Louis ❤️
Lots of love