Home For YouBecoming a Larrie Swayed by Sweatpants – How Louis in red pants created a Larrie

Swayed by Sweatpants – How Louis in red pants created a Larrie

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Article by: Anon Art: @_dani_pao

This “Becoming a Larrie” story was sent in anonymously and comes from the perspective of a fans first moment realizing Larry is real. The original confession was written on February 14th, 2022- the same night Louis Tomlinson wore red sweatpants on stage. 

Alright confession time from a new larrie! I needed tonight. I don’t know what it was about Louis Tomlinson wearing these red  sweatpants, but I’m finally a self proclaiming no stunts/no bullsh*t larrie.

To celebrate I ordered myself an rbb/sbb phone case to use at Louis’ LA Night 2 show!

For context, I was never a directioner when the band was still around. I was going through a hardcore high school emo phase at the time and was only vaguely aware One Direction existed because of my little cousins who loved them.

This past year I moved in with my best friend and she is a casual fan of Harry Styles. Unlike me, she doesn’t become absolutely obsessed with anything but she did mention last August that she really wanted to attend HSLOT.

When I looked up the cost of tickets I physically gasped. I didn’t realize just how much Mr. Styles had grown as an artist outside of 1D. I bit the bullet and bought her the tickets for his LA Night 1 show because I’m a giant sucker for my bff.

Because I can’t casually enjoy anything I did a deep dive on Harry and One Direction. Like many others, I’m sure, I fell into the “iPhone conspiracy” that is Larry Stylinson.

When I say I thought larries were coucou bananas at first, that’s putting it lightly. But the more I looked, the more I found. I was SHOCKED. When I told my bff I might believe it, she thought I was insane. But the night of our HSLOT show was the night Harry wore the green outfit with the roses, if you remember, and my jaw dropped. I had been lurking on Tumblr, reading hours and hours worth of Larry theories, and for him to appear in front of me wearing that outfit was like an out of body experience.

Still for some reason, I was skeptical. Maybe because I hadn’t really done enough research from Louis’ side yet and I hadn’t really listened to Walls yet either (I mean this is/was years worth of timelines and albums, etc. etc. for me to get through).

But today, something has finally clicked. Louis strode onto the stage in those red sweatpants and it’s like the fog is clear. I get it. I get the coded clothing. I get the albums. I hear the messages. What a day.



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